Another year older

Hey you,

Tomorrow I’m another year older.
Ten days later the anniversary of the day my life changed drastically comes up.
No one prepares you for how to deal with changes that aren’t blessings… you just kind of fight the darkness within. The seed of hate that sits patiently waiting to be rooted.
Happy sad is actually a thing now in my everyday… and that’s ok… I guess
With no more of me to give to you, the world, I sit by myself… pondering… choosing the things and people and moments that refill my cup.
Years of pouring into everyone and everything has taken its toll and sometimes withdrawing and stopping is the only choice left to make.
Two people died on that day.
Will I find my way back? Sure… Will I become some semblance of the old me? I wouldn’t bet on it… will you still be waiting when I return?
That’s completely up to you.

Still, I am excited for the next decade of my life.


1- sell 10 copies of my poetry book.
2- x10 my followers on relevant platforms.
3- See church at least 10 times this year, socialise at least 10 times looool.
4- x10 paid voiceovers 4 times.

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